Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep habits. Good sleep hygiene is one of the crucial components for your mental and physical health, as well as your overall quality of life. Additionally, your behaviors during the day — not just before you go to bed — can affect how well you sleep. Common sleeping problems (such as insomnia) are often caused by bad habits reinforced over years or even decades.
Studies show that sleep deprivation leads to,
reduced concentration.
slower thinking
mood changes
weight gain
hormonal imbalance
Research shows that healthy sleep aids in,
improved immune functioning
improved decision making
improved mood
reduced stress
longer life expectancy
regulating hormone functioning
You can dramatically improve your sleep quality by making a few minor adjustments to your lifestyle. Some sleep hygiene recommendations include,
Establishing a regular sleep schedule and nighttime routine (creating this routine is key)
Limit naps throughout your wake times
Limit exposure to light before sleep
Turn off the screens
Use the bed only for sleep
Get out bed when sleep does not come (this helps your brain to associate your bed with only sleep)
Avoid using substances such as alcohol, coffee, and nicotine before bed.
Prep your sleep area with the use white noise, aroma therapy and other tools to help you fall asleep
I hope you found this informative!
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